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MKDD Terminology

Here's a list of all the terms and acronyms I can think of that are used on the MKDD-site or for MKDD in general.

The courses

Luigi CircuitLC
Peach BeachPB
Baby ParkBP
Dry Dry DesertDDD
Mushroom BridgeMB
Mario CircuitMCR or MaC *
Daisy CruiserDC
Waluigi StadiumWS
Sherbet LandSL
Mushroom CityMCT or MuC *
Yoshi CircuitYC
Donkey Kong MountainDKM
Wario ColosseumWC
Dino Dino JungleDDJ
Bowser's CastleBC
Rainbow RoadRR

* Don't use MC, as this could mean both Mario Circuit and Mushroom City

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MKDD dictionary

0-1-1 (1-0-1, 0-0-2, ...) Pattern of using mushrooms; e.g. 0-1-1 means 0 mushrooms in lap 1, 1 in lap 2 and 1 in lap 3. See driving tips
0-shroomer (1-, 2-) A lap done with 0 (1, 2) mushrooms.
3-lap (2-, 7-; 3lap) A time for the entire course (all laps). Sometimes 7-lap is used for BP and 2-lap for WC, but 3-lap just means all laps in general.
A-tech (straight MTs) Technique for doing near-straight MTs. See techniques
Average Finish (AF) The ranking (= finish) of your PR with respect to all others, averaged over all times. See here
Average Rank Rating (ARR) The rank rating of your PR, determined by the standards, averaged over all times. See here
Booster Zipper
BT Barrel Train
Chain Chomp (1) Dog-like big black ball held back by a chain. Found on Luigi Circuit and Mario Circuit.
(2) Special item in Grand Prix mode of Baby Mario and Baby Luigi.
Corner-cutter Cutting off part of the track (i.e. leaving the normal road), sometimes with aid of a mushroom. Often referred to as short-cut (1).
Crazy Dutch PR Smash Virus A virus, probably residing in the air or water in the Netherlands (actual origin unknown), giving Dutchies the ability to smash their PRs. See also here
F-lap (flap) Fastest lap (lap record)
Ghost You can save a race as a ghost, and then race against it. You then get a sort of replay during the race. Of course you cannot hit the ghost, hence "ghost". See general info
Goomba One of those walking zombies at the end of Mario Circuit.
GP Grand Prix
L (1) Left shoulderbutton
(2) Left facing MT
L-tech (L-tapping) Technique for sharp turning, especially in spirals (2). See techniques
LR-spin Technique for making a fast U-turn by pressing L, R, A and left/right. Works only when standing still. See techniques
MB (1) Mushroom Bridge
(2) Message board
Mini-turbo (MT) Fundamental technique for increasing speed. See techniques
MK Mario Kart
MT Mini-turbo
Non-SC Time(set) without using short-cuts (2).
Non-trigger racing Racing without using the shoulderbuttons L and R.
Power slide Mini-turbo
PR (New) Personal Record
PR:SR The ratio between the Site Record (World Record) and your Personal Record (ratio is 1 or lower), averaged over all times. See here
PR-run (1) The run that led to a PR.
(2) A run that could've led to a PR.
PR-smash A huge improvement on one or more PRs.
R (1) Right shoulderbutton
(2) Right facing MT
R-tech Technique for sharp turning, especially in spirals (2). See techniques
Rocket start Turbo start
SC Short-cut
SG Staff ghost
Short-cut (1) Corner-cutter
(2) Short-cut involving jumping over a fence or barrier, or using Lakitu's assistance, not allowed for Time Trialing (non-SC). For MKDD only found on Waluigi Stadium: see general info
Shroom (1) [noun] The time-period over which a mushroom is active.
(2) [verb] The act of using a mushroom.
Shroomspot Spot where a mushroom is (can be) used.
SMT Straight mini-turbo
Spiral (1) A bend of more than 180 degrees, going upward or downward, so that the course overlaps itself when viewed from above.
(2) Sometimes specifically a sharp version of (1) is meant (sharper than you can slide), like on WC (twice) and at the end of RR.
SSMT Straight stretch mini-turbo
Staff ghost (SG) Ghost of a race done by the staff, incorporated in the game. See general info
Standards A set of fixed time limits set for each course; beating a time limit give you a certain rank. Each rank also has a score; the average of all scores for all tracks is your Average Rank Rating (ARR). See here
Straight mini-turbo (SMT) A mini-turbo done with A-tech.
Straight stretch mini-turbo (SSMT) Mini-turbo done on a straightaway. See techniques
Strat Strategy; the driving line and used techniques
Thwomp Periodically falling rock with a face on it at Bowser's Castle.
TK Toad's Kart
TT Time Trialing
Turbo start At the start, press A at the moment the lights turn green. This will give you a boost. See techniques
Vid Video
WS short-cut (WS-SC) Short-cut on Waluigi Stadium, not allowed for Time Trialing. See general info
Zipper (booster) A strip on the course that gives you top speed for a limited amount of time. Found on LC, WS, WC, DDJ, BC and RR.

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Message board dictionary

Some frequently used words and acronyms used in chatting and on the message board.

^ Indicates a response to the post above
Afaik As far as I know
Atm At the moment
Btw By the way
Ftw For the win (~ ftw = ~ is the best)
Idk I don't know
Iirc If I remember correctly
Imo (imho) In my (honest / humble) opinion
J/k Just kidding
Lol Laughing out loud
Lmao Laughing my ass off
Mod Moderator
Noob (n00b) Newbie (a beginner)
Omg (omfg) O my (mating) God
Own (1) To own (something): to be the best (at something)
(2) To own someone: to be (much) better than someone at something (specifically a game)
Owned (1) Beaten (badly)
(2) Dominated (big time)
(3) Humiliated
Pwn (pwned, pwn3d) Own (owned)
Qft Quoted for truth: I fully agree with the above quote
Rofl Rolling on the floor laughing
Roflysst Rolling on the floor laughing, yet somehow still typing
Sig Signature; appears under every post you make
Stfu Please be so kind as to shut up
Tl;dr Too long; didn't read: a summary of a long post
Troll (1) [verb]: to deliberately make provoking posts in the hope of triggering annoyed responses
(2) [noun]: a person who (consistently) trolls
Wtf What the hell

The meaning of other slang words can be found on www.urbandictionary.com

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